In 1995 Kevin Reynolds directed a movie titled “Water World”. This was an Action, Science – Fiction movie that portrayed a water based world.This Science – Fiction movie has become the reality of the modern day Ghanaian during this year’s rainy season.
The June-July rains that have in times past brought so much growth and joy have become our destruction; a nightmare.
We knew of the comings of the rains during this period, yet we were unprepared.
Why weren’t we prepared?
why do we look surprised.
Now we look around from left to right, stirring, searching, finding, trying to pin it on someone. But who, who carries the blame?
We build homes on water ways, but point fingers at the Government and act surprised when our homes are flooded. The very same Government which overlooked the building of these structures on water ways now blame and point fingers in the other direction.
Who is to blame and how do we move forward?
He’s always mok everyday mok and forever mok
Wow… this is a true narrative artwork …
Big ups to the artist